• Holistic Pelvic Care is a physical and energetic system pioneered by Tami Lynn Kent M.S. Physical Therapy. Holistic Pelvic Care assesses, addresses and restores harmony within the pelvic bowl.

    It is a form of gentle pelvic floor bodywork and intravaginal massage (including myofascial release, trigger point release and scar mobilisation) combined with energetic alignments to bring presence, balance and dynamic flow into the pelvic bowl.

    Physically it brings increased blood flow to the pelvic bowl area, increasing the health of muscle tissue, lymph systems and fascial network.

    Restoring energetic balance brings you into deeper alignment with Self; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. Bringing you into embodiment; to inhabit yourself fully.

    • General well being

    • Relieving tension and congestion patterns.

    • Pelvic pain

    • Menstrual pain

    • Painful sex

    • Increasing sexual pleasure and sensation

    • Pelvic heaviness or instability

    • Muscle weakness

    • Recovery from birth events

    • Blocked or stressed core

  • Whether you are experience symptoms or not, HPC is considered essential for your connection to your root and should be considered as part of any woman or vulva owner’s general wellness and preventative care plan.

  • In your initial appointment you will taken through basic anatomy with a pelvic model. This will be followed by an assessment of your pelvic muscles through an intravaginal exam. The assessment is then following by treatment using the techniques of trigger point release, myofascial release and intravaginal massage combined with breathe and visualisation to bring physical and energetic balance to the pelvis. Follow up sessions will include a brief re-assessment with a primary focus on treatment.

  • Many describe feeling more energised with a renewed sense of awareness and connection to their feminine core.

    Your body may feel more relaxed as grounded as physical tension has been released, more support and stronger pelvic floor muscles.

    The intravaginal massage brings more blood flow and energy into the pelvic bowl enhancing overall wellbeing of the organs and their alignment.

  • Yes! We will follow the lead of your body, if internal work is not right for you in the moment we can work with breath, external touch and visualisation tools in your session. This method is still of great benefit to your vital core energy while respecting your boundaries.

  • For vaginal births 6 weeks and for cesarean births 6 months.

Start your journey towards optimal pelvic care, sex education and intimacy with us



Medicinal Collective,
2/15 Bronte Road, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022


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